Thursday, January 10, 2008


Every now and then Natalie and I will suffer through a movie that the other really likes and wants to watch @ home. The worse one to date for me was "Bring it on".
So for the last 3 weeks Natalie has been bugging me to watch "Hairspray" with her. I was hesitant but slightly curious about this movie.

So a day after watching John Trivolta dressed as a fat middle aged woman, and watching the main character dance in ways that made me quite uncomfortable, I have officially decided that I did not like this movie.

Christopher Walken was hilarious, and some of the characters were well cast, but that wasn't enough to make this a "Sure, I'll watch it again" movie.

It's on my black list.


Eric Wakeling said...

I was so nervous reading this post that it would end with "but I was surprised that I really liked it." I have not seen it, but I have no desire to see it. When I hear girls at Calvary gush about how much they love it I want to throw up.

Matt Doan said...


Why the lies?
According to what I heard
you cried watching

Kenny said...

im not really too surprised that you watched hairspray, but i am interested as to why you blogged about it instead of hot rod. :)

Our Family said...

Yea I agree...I to was bugging Shane to see it as well forever. We finally rented it and at about half way through I couldn't wait for it to be over. Sorry you had to suffer as well. I wish someone would have told me...everyone raves about it. I don't get it!

Randy Harris said...

warning: tammy loved this movie and if she sees your blog, you're going to hear about it. For me? I didn't particularly like it, but it wasn't wretched like Steppford Wives or something like that. The John Trivolta thing WAS horrible... For such a thing to work, you kind of have like the actor, but Trivolta is such a Boeing flying Scientology ka-multimillionaire dweezle, what's funny about that? Absolutely nothing.

About Me

I'm a follower of Jesus, Husband to a beautiful wife, father to an amazing boy, and Pastor to wonderful people. I live in Alameda with my wife Natalie. I love food and have secret aspirations of being a chef. I would also love to live in the mountains some day, and have a closet full of flannels.