Dan and I were able to play the 'pastor card' to get onto our church campus with our insurance adjusters.
It was really erie driving into this silent neighborhood where complete devistation had just taken place. Very different from driving down to San Diego the first time after the fires started. When I drove down on Tuesday I felt overwhelmed with this impending sense of doom. With the black clouds billowing, it was kind of like I was entering the land of Mordor with Frodo and Sam.
But when I drove through this neighborhood, it was just sad, not scarry, just sad.
Walking into the sanctuary of our church was crazy. So much of it was standing and there, and then I saw the stage:
I just taught on this stage 2 weeks ago and now it's gone.
But there is good news! All of our offices were untouched, all papers, books, and computers were dry and undamaged! Oh yea, except mine. My office got got jacked up. I have a skylight above my desk, a complete set of shakespears works (from the mid 1800's)- special waterlogged edition, and a slightly messier than normal desk:
We walked around the church and saw that God had incredible grace and mercy on this place. There were multiple places where the fire burned all the way up to the building and just stopped.
I think this is the first time where I personally feel an incredible debt of gratitude to our police men and fire fighters. They are aaamazing! 9/11 was too far removed for me to really feal the impact of it, but after this experience, I seriously want to seek out these men and woman to thank them.
I really don't know what else to say at this point, there's too much going on.
RBBC is setting up a crisis center for our neighborhood (the neighborhood should re-open today). If you want to help you can go to our Web sight rbbaptist.org and give your donations to the place you feel lead.
The way the church is coming together in this time of crisis is awesome. I was so proud to be part of our team last night. A table full of people (some whose house had burned down) coming up with incedible ideas about how to serve others. It was christians being christian. It was beautiful...
I can't write any more right now, but I will as soon as possible.
Despite what it looks like and how it feels, God is here.
Hey Tim, thanks for the update bro. I hope you dont mind but I posted this over on my blog. Thanks for sharing bro. If you guys need anything feel free to give us a call. Love Ya man... oh and one day we'll have to get together and watch that last 5 minutes of Evan Almighty.
Wow, I had been wondering what it would be like for a church to be in the middle of our little "fire situation". I'm looking forward to reading what happens,,,
And I had to laugh when I went back and read your post on playing bass for the youth group. I had the exact same experience when I came on our youth staff this year. Good times.
wow.. crazy.. still praying for all of you.. thanks for the update.
Hey Tim
Good update. I feel your heart.
Please send me the picture of the burnt out sanctuary with the cross untouched (that part is sooo powerful) so we can put it in our prayer letter (I'll credit you with the photo)
May God use you both and your church mightily in your community!
Hi Tim. Wow, I can't believe the destruction that happened in your town. I pray that your home is safe. I can't believe your positive attitude toward what you're facing. It's very encouraging. Take care.
We are praying for you and the church. But it sounds like God is already showing His gracy and mercy to those who call Him, Abba!
May God continue to heap His love on you and those who attend the church!
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