Friday, November 13, 2009


So I'm trying to re-engage in things that I have found meaningful in my life but have fallen by the wayside, and blogging is one of them.

My ten month hiatus is over. Life has changed, and I wonder where it's taking me. My previous roles of follower of Jesus, husband, and pastor, is now accompanied with 'father to be'. My roles in life are constantly shifting, and seem to be getting more complicated as I get older. But the good thing is that I am growing to love those roles more and more. I love my wife, my church, my God, and even my dog more than I ever have.

God is giving my heart new capacities for love that it has never had before. Along with that capacity for love comes it's sensitivity to pain. Loving is accompanied with heartache, compassion with empathy, insight with burdens. I find encouragement that strength is given to the weak, and wisdom to those who ask.


Kenny said...

definitely never thought i would see you post here again. sweet though. :)

Unknown said...


About Me

I'm a follower of Jesus, Husband to a beautiful wife, father to an amazing boy, and Pastor to wonderful people. I live in Alameda with my wife Natalie. I love food and have secret aspirations of being a chef. I would also love to live in the mountains some day, and have a closet full of flannels.